Onwards and Upwards

Can you believe that it’s February already? Where did January go? Gone in a cold infused icy blur. I have been very busy not doing very much at all. Finishing up bits and pieces and doing a bit of organising. Since November I’ve been sick and less sick and had a cold and a cough and I even lost my voice, for it to come back and then disappear again, the same as my cough. My doctor told me I’m just unlucky and have to wait it out. So I haven’t felt totally full of energy. But I managed to get one of those dastardly WIPs finished.

It was The Lizard Shawl that I was making for my bestest and oldest friend, whom I never get to see but as I was visiting Ireland for Christmas I killed 2 birds with 1 stone and got to deliver it in person, in the pub, over a lovely glass of wine :) I have loved this My Melody yarn (Julie Ann colourway) ever since it arrived with its gorgeous vibrant colours and long slow colour changes. It was so much fun waiting to see that tiny wee knot

where the next colour was attached come up. And the pattern is great, very quick and it has a great texture. The shawl feels so soft, definitely after it had a pre-blocking Eucalan bath. Now that it is finished I’m still not sure about the dark border. It definitely needed a border to finish it off, but as I was at the dark end of the ball I found it quite a harsh colour contrast, so I made it a tiny bit bigger than the pattern called for so that it didn’t feel like a mistake. I think I was right? Next time working with this type of slow colour change I may start a little later in the ball so I can work the start and end colours into the border. Apart from the uncertainty about the border I really did a happy dance when I finished this. It really looks great :)

There are so many exciting things coming up in the near future. I’m trying really hard to focus on the Spring Flower blanket for my niece. I now have nearly all the squares finished up and have the HUGE job of planning my layout and then joining, but it’s so close. I’m getting that rush I get as I approach the end of a project and I see it all coming together. It’s so exciting, energizing even. :) But it is hard to stick with it constantly as I am also in the middle of getting my 1st pattern ready. It is a wrap I made just over a year ago so it has taken me long enough haha, but I’m also working on a new version with the delectably soft and squishy Scheepjes Alpacca Rhythm* and Mohair Rhythm.* These yarns are gorgeous, but I have never used anything quite like mohair before. It is so thin, I’m afraid I’ll snap it haha and it is so hairy. Oh well, slow and steady wins the race.

​I want/ need/ have to get these projects all out of the way so that I can fully enjoy the new Scheepjes CAL Hygge. Have you seen it? It is a gorgeous wrap embroidered with lovely delicate floral and heart motifs in the most gorgeous colours. It was so hard choosing, and though I have settled on Rainbow, ​I now really want Pastel and Simy’s choice which was released later, plus I would love to see it done in just 2 colours. Ohh but I can hardly wait to start.
I think I am addicted to these CALs, it isn't just the finished item (let's face it I'm not very good at finishing them, I still have the CALs from 2015 and 2016 to finish.), it is more the learning process, I am forced to learn so many new techniques, but it is also the togetherness of the group. Everyone working on the same thing, helping each other. From chance encounters in these groups or after sending someone a helpful link via a message, conversations have been started and I'm so happy to say friendships have bloomed. In the last few months I have had such a feeling of community and friendship among the loveliest of ladies. We are hanging out online, I've met another for coffee, we are supporting each other, advising and helping each other and laughing with each other. Crochet may have brought us together, but their fantastic personalities and sense of friendship are keeping us together. Girlies I love you :) (Sorry for that brief moment of soppiness, it's just very nice to have found my niche)
So until next time, when I hope to have the big reveal of my lovely spring flower blanket ready and can let you all see my progress with the Hygge CAL :) these final words of wisdom: please remember to be nice to each other, it's important. xxx
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